Call in the Reinforcements
I have heard a saying multiple times since childhood — ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ I have recently discovered another facet of helping myself — which is asking for help! Till the time we are in these mortal bodies, there are going to be circumstances which will be beyond our control, things we won’t be able to figure out on our own. In those times — ask for help. When we grow in age, maturity, knowledge, understanding of the world, we think we are not qualified anymore to ask others for help. What we forget is as we grow in all these above things, the kind of situations we deal with also change and are new to us in every step. And, there is always another individual who has been through a similar situation, has dealt with it and moved on in life. By asking for help we give ourselves this opportunity to learn from other’s experience, broaden our mindset and figure out innovative ways to solve the issues in front of us. The limiting belief that asking for help undermines our growth, actually stops us from growing at the pace we wish to. Asking for help is freeing and instils the belief that we are not alone.
No matter the scenarios of life — personal or professional, there is always an individual who has been there and done that, where we could be struggling at present. We could either choose to draw from others’ experience or suffer and let time slip by, by trying to solve everything on our own.
I believe we are all connected to each other as a chain of support systems. Someone or the other is always dependent on us to draw strength, in the same way we could be dependent on the other for strength. How do we pour from an empty cup then?
Just realizing and accepting that I would always need outside help for the changing circumstances of life, and also that if I do ask for help, it doesn’t mean I have stopped growing, has been my recent liberating experiences in life. People have reminded me to have faith and surrender when I couldn’t remind myself in the midst of a storm. That reminder itself was the assistance I needed.
Henceforth, I am opening myself up to take support without any embarrassment whenever I need it and helping myself in the process.