I keep talking about getting out of my comfort zone in my conversations with people. As a concept I am very clear that all growth lies beyond the comfort zone and truly believe in it. Since I believe it with certitude, I have absolute conviction in it and hence can convey the message clearly to all ears.
However, what do I really know about it and do it myself; constantly recognizing and getting out of the ‘comfort zone!’
A small incident today brought my awareness towards it. I had been talking about beginning a sports activity in the mornings. I know how to play badminton, hence I was stuck with the thought that if a partner to play with comes along, I shall begin. It will take care of my workout plans for the morning and I will also enjoy the activity. Since the husband is the closest and most convenient partner available, I had always asked him and got a shrug from him in reply. He likes to play only with ‘pro’s’ apparently. Nevertheless, I kept fishing for people who would be suitable and play at my level. Finally a friend agreed and asked me to accompany her to the court in the morning today. I was excited at the prospect and agreed quickly, the court was booked for an hour at the decided time. This was earlier in the afternoon the previous day. As the day progressed, the thought that I would have to make suitable arrangements to actually go and do this activity was somewhere nagging me at the back of the mind. I was unable to put a finger on what was bothering me. Further into the evening, my mind started making up excuses on why I shouldn’t go for the game the next day. It began with; figuring out a suitable attire, right shoes for the court, the timing of the arrival of the cook in the morning, the effort to drive up to the place, the new place, surrounded with new people, etc., etc. The entire paraphernalia of pretexts were presented by the mind with suitable visuals and also what I would feel in each context. I almost called the friend to cancel the plan. Thankfully she had paid for the court and booked it, so I couldn’t cancel. The morning when I was all ready and waiting for her to pick me up, again these nagging thoughts came forward. It was only then I realized, these thoughts/excuses appeared as the mind was afraid to get out of its comfort zone. And not because I did not want to actually do it. Being fair to the mind, I had trained it in this manner and it rightly brought forth that argument. ‘Anything new is not necessary’ had been the training till date, and this training was not letting me explore new things in life, and had been restricting my growth, making me a close minded person. As a result I had devoid myself from the opportunities of greater experiences.
This entire narration seems insignificant, however this is what I learned from it.
- As long as it was an aspirational thought, the mind was fine. As soon as action on it happened, the mind was scared to do this new and out of comfort zone activity.
- Patterns — although this is a small incident in day to day life, I can notice that there is a tendency of the mind to duplicate the patterns in everything.
- The smaller incidents help me catch these patterns red-handed and become aware.
- Getting out of my comfort zone is like gifting myself personal freedom. Opening up to new experiences make me a much better person and adds more life to my life
- It doesn’t matter whether the new experience is rewarding or joyful or not, the mind develops a capability to not be fearful in case unforeseen circumstances appear. This true benefit is way more rewarding.
The only thing I really had to do was become aware that these nagging thoughts were because I was taking myself out of my age old comfort zone. Mere awareness of it took care of everything. I am also sure it would happen again. I feel confident with the tool of awareness that I have now with me. And with time, this repeated pattern of fear will also go away.
Final Note: Make the unknown my true comfort zone!