Can you tie a balloon at its edge if there isn’t space left with the amount of air pumped into it? You must release some of the air out, for it to function how it is supposed to.
Releasing some of the pressure is essential for fundamental operations. The human mind seems to be no different. Below are a few points you can use for clarity in case you need to release the pressure on a regular basis. Here we go:
- Celebrating a small win a day keeps the pressure at bay!
o What could a small win look like? Today you did something with authenticity and not just for the need for approval.
o Recognize your wins with the same passion & force you pin-point your ‘failures’!
- A ‘celebration’ could look like this:
o Partying with friends or treating yourself to that dessert or going for a spa appointment.
OR it also looks like this;
o Being at more ease with your tasks for the day,
o A mental sigh of relief,
o Being able to create with a stronger belief in yourself,
o Smiling with ease, with no lingering thoughts in the background.
- What is better at releasing the pressure than the plans for long vacations annually?
o Impromptu overnight break at a lakeside
o An activity once a week which requires less mental exercise and more creative fun;
§ Painting together with your partner
§ digging hands-on in an activity involving soil, saplings & manure.
§ Create any.
- Going ‘AWOL’ or suddenly deciding on disconnecting from digital media, can create a state of panic or ‘FOMO’ in a very short while. Rather than that:
o Set apart time to create shorter breaks from the manic information flow all around you. Commit to sticking to it. If you slip, not an issue, commit again!
o Begin with as little time as you can in a day, to sit silently doing absolutely nothing. If you come to enjoy this silent time, phase it into a practice of meditation.
o By setting up a do not disturb time on your phone, especially at night, and letting people close to you know about the same, you give a hint to your own brain that this time to sleep is important for you. The brain will get the clue & support you in this endeavour.
- At times when nothing seems to work and pressure mounts up, going radical is all we can think about and seems like the best way out. Consider this before you do:
o Will you be able to sustain it?
o Are you thinking of measures which can build up further pressure on the mind?
o If the answer is no to the above, the best way is to go back releasing the pressure bit by bit. It may not resolve everything at once, but it has the potential for continued sustenance.
o It isn’t about not taking risks; it is about not taking decisions at a time when the mind is not equipped to take one in your own favour.
o (A word of caution on going radical) It may so happen that your action may seem radical to the world around you. However, if you have been longing for it, visualizing it and your life within it and after it, it may not be radical for you. It could possibly be your most authentic self. Evaluate accordingly. Ask yourself the right questions. Your personal purpose and intent to create a life you long for is everything after all!
- And of course, a few ‘under’ understood words; Gratitude, letting go, acceptance, self-compassion, nature, the list is endless…
Do whatever it takes to release that pressure off you. We live in a world where the pressure from the environment will never stop. Find your way to keep releasing it despite this way of the world. Yes, we all want to survive, I dare say why not thrive?