One night I sat to meditate as usual before falling asleep. Various Thoughts from the day were clouding my mind. I was getting infuriated by the sounds all around me. It bugged me that the neighbors were laughing and chatting loudly at this hour of the night. The dogs outside were mad at each other for no reason, a loud aircraft was passing at the same time, the rattle of the motorist on the road added to the chaos, and the high volume of the videos on husband’s mobile was the nail on the coffin. I tried hard to focus and concentrate. I wished strongly that the sounds should stop. Then I heard a voice, ‘you fool, find the silence within you’. In a split second, as if all the senses took a u-turn and began to look inside. I tried hard to listen to the sounds of the organs and the body. Apart from a faint sensation of the heartbeat, I could hear nothing. I had found my place of quiet. It was all along within me. I dont remember when the calming sleep came and I drifted in the sweet dreams.