The Human Oneness with Nature

3 min readMay 3, 2023


There is one common piece of advice given to us by our grandparents, doctors, self-help gurus, coaches, therapists, and the like; to spend time in nature for better recovery. Nature is considered to have healing properties by all groups of people. I want to go one step ahead and say, nature is a blueprint, designed in a manner to provide all answers to us, humans. Answers to physical, mental, social, spiritual, as well as economic health. Let us unpack this here:

Nature is made up of five elements. So is the human body. The imbalance in any of the five elements in nature creates havoc in the environment, similarly, the imbalance in any of the five elements within our body creates havoc/disease within us. We are dehydrated when the water component within us reduces, the harmony of air in the lungs keeps the heart and thus the rest of the organs functioning, fire element transforms food into energy needed for movement and other functions of the body, the muscles, bones & tissues are regulated by the earth element, the space in all organs & body parts allow the flow & existence of blood or air to function properly. We can go in-depth about how these elements keep our bodies together. The point is, we can watch nature and learn how it self-regulates to consistently balance to bring harmony to the elements, either through elimination or addition. It is imperative the body heals in nature as it is exposed to its most original and natural blueprint.

A single tree lives out its life in the best way it can with the environment it is in, as the most natural instinct of a living being is to survive. A tree in a forest reaches its height, density and its maximum potential. We can observe and adopt how codependently nature thrives with the likes of its own and different both. A tree does not lose its individuality even in the densely social setting of a forest. Each tree delivers its true potential and creates space for the other as well regardless of size and significance, and thrive together. A forest is thus a live prototype in front of us to learn what it means to be social.

The process of how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly is presented to us in such a detailed form to learn to have patience, accept ourselves in all forms, and regard hardships as the peak moment of transformation into something so magnificent that it stuns our own mind.

When it seems the end of a river is near it turns into the most spectacular waterfall and continues to provide joy and flourish everything that comes into its contact. Again a blueprint for understanding that we change into spectacular forms, we do not end even when it seems the end is near.

When the summer dries up the rivers and lakes, in monsoon it gives back not just to those rivers and lakes, but also widespread to each and every being in its existence. Through this process, nature exhibits that when something is taken due to a season, it is inevitable that it will be returned to you in abundance in all areas of your life. All you have to do is let the season pass.

The seeds of enhancing ourselves lie only within us. The seeds from the plants which convert back into more of their own show us just that.

The weak trees gratefully lean on the stronger ones. It knows it is the only way for it right now to exist and potentially grow. This a blueprint, again, showing us that asking for help is powerful.

The list is absolutely endless. Everywhere you look around, the sky the earth, the sun, the moon, it will give you a way to lead your life. These are not mere examples used by masters and gurus to manipulate the mind to believe in the possibilities. It is the way the entire system is designed.

How can we have the audacity to even try to deny it? Don’t get me wrong, we still can. We can deny if we choose not to take ownership of our lives if we choose not to live intentionally, if we choose not to be grateful to be a part of this ecosystem of life which is nothing less than perfect. Even when we do deny it, it is inevitable that we shall return to nature — either in the form of accepting this oneness and living through it, or in our final goodbye when the only option this body will have is to merge with its true nature — The Nature.




Written by Neha

Seeker, Self Awareness Catalyst, Author, Traveller, Stylist, Energy Healer. Insta: @catalyst_for_growth

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