“Haven’t we all said it, when life seems to get out of control?”, “Why is it that we complain only then?”, “Why do we not question, when things go our way?”
I have asked this question, as far as I remember, every time something went haywire. From the shower going bonkers mid-bath, to job situations, family, finance, traffic situations, the list goes on…
The answer to it, has been right in front of me: “I was and am wholly responsible for the life I am living at present!”
It is very easy to dismiss this. We do not want to take responsibility of the unpleasantness surrounding us. We want to believe, that there are forces on the outside causing this. As owning up to the truth, is being way too accountable and we are never ready for it. Once we own it, we lose the right to complain about it. “Where is the fun in that? Right!”
On the contrary, I have come to understand that, knowing and owning the truth, sets us free. It does not bind us; it does not limit us. It gives us that power & strength we have been looking for, seeking all our life. This truth, ‘that we have the power to create our own reality is liberating’, it brings back all the control back into our hands.
If the question comes to us next, “why is this happening to me?” The answer is, “we are doing this to ourselves!”
Solution is simple. Create the thought you wish to live, believe it, start living it.